X-Type - Engine Control Module - Used - (C2S18905)

Part Number C2S18905
Make Jaguar
Model X-Type
Status Used
Weight 0.804 kg
Derivative 3.0L Petrol models
Year VIN range: ALL

£ 446.98 + VAT

In Stock ( 1 )

This part is a supersession of the following part number: C2S18255. It is also superseded by the following part number(s): C2S19299, C2S10605, C2S17689, C2S20195, C2S20490, C2S21263, C2S22216, C2S23498, C2S25234, C2S27365 and C2S30256.
Suitable for the following vehicles:
X-Type (3.0L Petrol models)

VIN range: ALL

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