X-Type - Radio Cassette Player - (C2S31226)

Part Number C2S31226
Make Jaguar
Model X-Type
Status New Genuine
Weight 5 kg
Derivative ALL
Year VIN range: From D01808 to D55321

£ 868.08 + VAT

Surcharge £ 08 + VAT

A surcharge is applicable to this part. It will be applied to the order and is refunded if you send back your old unit.

Unknown ETA - Unable to supply at this time

C2S31226 - Cabin Mounted Radio Cassette Player.
Please check the numbers on your existing unit match the following WERS number: 1X4318K876CB
This part is a supersession of the following part number: C2S24942.
Suitable for the following vehicles:

VIN range: From D01808 to D55321

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